@article{oai:ouj.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001145, author = {市川, 昌 and イチカワ, アキラ and Ichikawa, Akira}, journal = {放送教育開発センター研究紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), The field of Japanese broadcasting lecture style programs has a 64 year history. In 1925 (Taishou,14) Japan Broadcasting Corporation started lecture programs on the air and it's president Shinpei Goto emphasized lecture programs had strong educational impact for adult education. This report reviews the pioneering stages of lecture programs presented by radio media. He also provides an idea of university extension service by listening of broadcasting programs for adult education in Japan. The RINKYOUSIN [National Council on Educational Reform] pointed out that learning information materials are very important for life-long educaion by mass media. The conclusion of this report is that the effects of lecture programs shoud be reinforced by active discussion and critical thinking activities. The multimedia curriculum for adult education should include oppor-tunities for group discussions to assist students in agenda setting activities.}, pages = {47--76}, title = {生涯学習としての放送講演番組の変遷と学習情報提供システム}, volume = {1}, year = {1988} }