@article{oai:ouj.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000319, author = {山田, 恒夫 and ヤマダ, ツネオ and YAMADA, Tsuneo}, journal = {メディア教育研究}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), 第2言語教育においては、Language Laboratory (LL)という視聴覚教育の流れから、Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)への発展が自然に進み、情報通信技術(Information and Communication Technology、ICT)の利用も積極的に展開されてきた。本稿では、高度情報通信社会、グローバル社会において急激に変貌する、第2言語教育をめぐる背景・環境・社会的期待を整理するとともに、その解決策に資する最新ICTの可能性を検討する。, In Second Language Education (SLE), the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has progressed mainly through the introduction of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), which has been considered as the successor to Language Laboratory (LL) by teachers and schools. SLE in the 21st Century has new socio-cultural backgrounds, for example, internationalization and globalization, advanced information and communication society, and new viewpoints on learning, such as learner-centered approaches and lifelong learning model. In this context, SLE has new objectives and goals, such as, language proficiency, communication skills, multi-lingualism and multi-culturalism, and distance education. In this paper, the contribution advanced ICTs can make to the new objectives and goals of SLE were discussed, showing innovative examples such as speech technologies, virtual reality, international satellite communication, the Internet, DVD, WBT and other technologies. In addition, teacher education and faculty development, quality assurance systems for educational digital content, and systems for the development and international distribution of educational digital content were suggested which will play an important role in the reform of SLE in the new century.}, pages = {29--45}, title = {第2言語教育における情報通信技術の高度利用}, volume = {7}, year = {2001} }